What does it mean to be a Virtuoso?
A Virtuoso is a person full of virtues and a virtue is a habit of good action. It's a natural disposition of the mind, the will and the heart to do things right and to do the right things.
To become virtuosos we need to focus on three key variables:
Through method we will do what we do with mastery.
Through attitude, we will be able to better connect with our audiences.
Through passion we ignite innovation. The ordinary ceases to happen and the extraordinary starts to happen.
Through method we will achieve mastery. If we follow a method with discipline and rigor we will reach high levels of performance and become experts in what we do. Method leads a company to elevate its levels of operational excellence.
To achieve this, we need to work on the following virtues:
Magnanimity is the greatness of the soul and of the mind. Is the virtue of dreaming big and of focusing those dreams to the good of others and our own good.
Discipline is the virtue of executing with care and excellence.
Perseverance is the continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties.
By embracing the right attitudes in our lives, we will be able to create more profound and meaningful connections with the people we interact with. These individual and collective attitudes will help your company to strengthen a culture of serving.
To achieve this, we need to work on the following virtues:
The virtue to share someone else's feelings and thoughts by stepping into their shoes. If we do this, what we say or do will be the right thing to do from an emotional intelligence perspective.
The virtue of being in constant disposition to serve and help other people, without expecting anything in return.
To silence our virtues and to allow people to discover them through what we do, not what we say. It's being coherent between what you think, say and do.
By doing what we do with passion, we will inspire, evoke emotions and awaken the desires of going the extra mile. The only way to foster and spread passion in your teams is through example. If the people you work with sees and feels the passion and the love you put into what you are doing, they will follow.
To achieve this we need to work on the following virtues:
When you do things with passion and love, the ordinary ceases to happen and the extraordinary starts to happen.
Courage is the strength of the will that will allow you to overcome fear and build a natural disposition to explore and experiment.
The virtue of prudence is a natural disposition of the mind and of the will that will allow you to see, analyze and decide with rightness. It's that inner voice that tells you what is right and what is wrong and that will make you chose wisely and act with high ethical standards.
The finale of a great concert or a performance is sealed with an enthusiastic and heart felt standing ovation from the audience. It's a natural reaction to celebrate and recognize a work well done by the musicians on the stage.
I invite you to do the same when you see a person or a team performing in an extraordinary way. In this short video I share some ideas on how you can give recognition, formally or unformally and how to show signs of appreciation.
I hope these videos have been of value, this is the last one I will be sharing. Please feel free to contact me if I can serve you in any way. I hope our paths will cross again soon.